Defining and benchmarking open problems in single-cell analysis


Malte D. Luecken

Scott Gigante

Daniel B. Burkhardt

Robrecht Cannoodt

Daniel C. Strobl

Nikolay S. Markov

Luke Zappia

Giovanni Palla

Wesley Lewis

Daniel Dimitrov

Michael E. Vinyard

D.S. Magruder

Alma Andersson

Emma Dann

Qian Qin

Dominik J. Otto

Michal Klein

Olga Borisovna Botvinnik

Louise Deconinck

Kai Waldrant

The Open Problems Jamboree Members

Jonathan M. Bloom

Angela Oliveira Pisco

Julio Saez-Rodriguez

Drausin Wulsin

Luca Pinello

Yvan Saeys

Fabian J Theis

Smita Krishnaswamy


March 3, 2024

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With the growing number of single-cell analysis tools, benchmarks are increasingly important to guide analysis and method development. However, a lack of standardisation and extensibility in current benchmarks limits their usability, longevity, and relevance to the community. We present Open Problems, a living, extensible, community-guided benchmarking platform including 10 current single-cell tasks that we envision will raise standards for the selection, evaluation, and development of methods in single-cell analysis.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {D. Luecken, Malte and Gigante, Scott and B. Burkhardt,
    Daniel and Cannoodt, Robrecht and C. Strobl, Daniel and S. Markov,
    Nikolay and Zappia, Luke and Palla, Giovanni and Lewis, Wesley and
    Dimitrov, Daniel and E. Vinyard, Michael and Magruder, D.S. and
    Andersson, Alma and Dann, Emma and Qin, Qian and J. Otto, Dominik
    and Klein, Michal and Borisovna Botvinnik, Olga and Deconinck,
    Louise and Waldrant, Kai and Open Problems Jamboree Members, The and
    M. Bloom, Jonathan and Oliveira Pisco, Angela and Saez-Rodriguez,
    Julio and Wulsin, Drausin and Pinello, Luca and Saeys, Yvan and J
    Theis, Fabian and Krishnaswamy, Smita},
  title = {Defining and Benchmarking Open Problems in Single-Cell
  date = {2024-03-03},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.21203/},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {With the growing number of single-cell analysis tools,
    benchmarks are increasingly important to guide analysis and method
    development. However, a lack of standardisation and extensibility in
    current benchmarks limits their usability, longevity, and relevance
    to the community. We present Open Problems, a living, extensible,
    community-guided benchmarking platform including 10 current
    single-cell tasks that we envision will raise standards for the
    selection, evaluation, and development of methods in single-cell
For attribution, please cite this work as:
D. Luecken, Malte, Scott Gigante, Daniel B. Burkhardt, Robrecht Cannoodt, Daniel C. Strobl, Nikolay S. Markov, Luke Zappia, et al. 2024. “Defining and Benchmarking Open Problems in Single-Cell Analysis.” Research Square.